March 27, 2019

Reclaiming HERstory

As we march BOLDLY and BEAUTIFULLY into our conclusion of Women's HERstory Month, I graciously and humbly, would like to guide you back (sankofa  style) to our wholistic wellness Wholistic Wellness, which is needed to make HERstory healthy and wealthy. We are consumed with thoughts and actions that may not always benefit our whole 'womb' selves. We must have discernment and remain balanced in the two. No, this is not about food or recreational activities, this is concerning EVERYTHING! 

are a terrible thing to waste
are a terrific thing to gain

Our BODIES are our temples

Our SOULS are our personalities

Our SPIRITS are our innerG; our innerGod/dess; our Guidance

This is our wholistic wellness that we must reclaim...

RECLAIMING YOUR MIND takes time, space, and clarity

RECLAIMING YOUR BODY takes the most highest foods and liquids of the pyramid

RECLAIMING YOUR SOUL takes a personal awakening or enlightment that shall lead to a personal revolution to our original 'womb' selves

RECLAIMING YOUR SPIRIT takes inspiration through affirmation 

Affirmations for the MIND, BODY, SOUL, and SPIRIT

I mind my mind 
I am what I think
I think most highly of myself
I order my steps with the most highest clarity
I elevate my mind
I mind my mind

My body is my temple 
I am what I eat
I eat the most highest, healthiest, and holiest of the pyramid
I am a body of water
I am a well that never runs dry
My body is my temple

I have a soul deeply rooted in divine soil
I am soulful
I am full of soul
I plant whole and well seeds
I harvest and share the fruits of my labor
I have a soul deeply rooted in divine soil

I am a spirit
Inspired by affirmation
I am a spirit
Energized by God's Essence (Goddesses)
I am a spirit
Motivated by revelations
I am a spirit 
Purposeful and driven
I am a spirit
~Oni Abeni

Reclaiming HERstory

March 20, 2019

Weigh yOUR Womb

Weigh yOUR Womb

Weigh yOUR Womb with the maatic or 'divine' principles of Truth, Justice, Balance, Order, Compassion
Harmony, and Reciprocity

 The woes, worries, and sometimes weaknesses of the world may tilt the scales (fallopian tubes) of our wombselves but it is WE (Women Especially) who must remember, reclaim, restore, and restructure our wombselves back to a divine state of being... 

Weighing yOUR Womb comes with divinely Weighing yOUR options; Weighing yOUR choices... 

Our strength is in our KNOWLEDGE OF our WOMBselves... 
OUR acknowledgement of our HERstory

Our HERstory helps us remember, reclaim, restore, and restructure our divine state of being

Many out weighed themselves and the woes, worries and weaknesses of this world and fought and sometimes died...
inside and out... 
literally and figuratively for TruthJusticeBalance
Harmony, and Reciprocity for ALL!

The Women of OURstory was selfless in their actions for others and selfish in their want to act by any means necessary... 

They were balanced and we (Women Especially) of this day and time must continue or begin to follow in the BOLD and BEAUTY steps of our SHEROS!

Weigh yOUR Womb

March 13, 2019

Re-Member WE (Women Especially)

As stated previously, this month, as should all months, is acknowledging, celebrating and commemorating the WOMAN... 

We are overlooked, underlooked or not looked at at all or not viewed with the respect and love we are due sometimes.

It has been the mis-take in the past that women are to be behind the man and not by his side. This month we must RE-MEMBER THE WOMAN and put her back in her RIGHTful place RIGHT on the side of her man and (in front) leading tHEiR children to their MOST HIGHEST selves.

At this point in our womanship... Lest WE (Women Especially) how pertinent, persistent and powerful we truly are in all we do when we have or put our whole 'womb' selves to ANY thing.

This Pertinence, Persistence and Powerful innerG of God's Essence (Goddess) balances H.E.R. (Honorable Energetic Radiance) in us all for BETTER... through the bitter and the sweet.

It is yOUR PERTINENCE... your revelance and application of all matters (babies included) that brings balance for our betterment.

It is yOUR PERSISTENCE... your firm and obstinate continuance in a course of action in spite of difficulty or opposition is what balances us for betterment.

It is yOUR POWER... the ability to persuade, inspire, or motivate yourself or others to do something in a particular way with a direct purpose that balances us for betterment.

RE-MEMBER WE (Women Especially)... to BALANCE H.E.R. for BETTER through the 


Count on yOUR 3P's to UPlift and Gift you with your DIVINITY... Goddess... you are a natural in your state of being... BALANCE!

March 6, 2019

March On...

The month of March is in observation of EVERY WOMBMAN... EVERY WHERE

National Women's Day is March 8th but we (Women Especially celebrates and commemorate throughout the WHOLE month... 
WE ARE MARCHing 4 HERstory!

Now, the observation of Women's day on March 8th started with The Socialist International meeting to build support for achieving universal suffrage of women by establishing a Women's day.  The proposal was greeted by a unamious approval by the conference of a 100 women in 17 countries. However, there was not a fixed or official date selected for the observation at that time. Originally, women and men rallied on March 19 for the celebration and commemoration of women. Then, Russian women utilized the power of its vision and numbers to protest the World War I on the last Sunday in February which landed on March 8th of the Gregorian calendar. 

By 1986, 14 states had already declared March as Women's History Month. ... In 1987, Congress declared March as National Women's History Month in perpetuity. A special Presidential Proclamation is issued every year which honors the extraordinary achievements of American women. 

However, In South Africa, every August 9th is National Women's Day. It is a public holiday commemorating the famous 1956 March of 20,000 women on the Union Building in Pretoria.

TODAY, we may not MARCH literally
necessarily but we do MARCH figuratively and in the spirit our ancestors. At times like this, I remember Sojourner Truth, Charlotte Vandine Forten, Ida B. Wells, Naomi Talbert (Anderson)
specifically but there are so many moor women that marched for our right to write or be written in HERstory. These women were faced with adversary and placed in difficult positions daily that differ from their caucasian counterparts but they and them stood together in hopes of making a change and a significant difference in the world.

The following link shares the HERstory of some of the women mentioned above and many other achieving women that worked hard for the MARCH! (which includes the suffrage of women and the establishment of the observation for National Women's Day and later month. 

HERstory and yOURS


Naomi Talbert Anderson

Sojourner Truth

Ida B. Wells

March 31, 2018

US (United SiSTARS) as WOMEN

United SiStars...

I AM because WE (Women Especially) ARE!

I AM... ABUNDANT... because WE ARE
I AM... ACTIVE... because WE ARE
I AM... ASSERTIVE... because WE ARE

I AM... BOUNDLESS ... because WE ARE
I AM... BEAUTIFUL ... because WE ARE
I AM... my BEST... because WE ARE

I AM... COURAGEOUS... because WE ARE
I AM... CONFIDENT... because WE ARE
I AM... CREATIVE... because WE ARE

I AM... DIVINE ... because WE ARE
I AM... DISCIPLINE... because WE ARE
I AM... DIRECT... because WE ARE

I AM... ENERGETIC... because WE ARE
I AM... ETERNAL... because WE ARE
I AM... EARNEST... because WE ARE

I AM... a FRIEND... because WE ARE
I AM... Fortunate... because WE ARE
I AM... unFORGETTABLE... because WE ARE

I AM... GIFTED... because WE ARE
I AM... GORGEOUS... because WE ARE
I AM... GENUINE... because WE ARE

I AM... HERioc... because WE ARE
I AM... HARMONIOUS... because WE ARE
I AM... HEALTHY... because WE ARE

I AM... IMMACULATE... because WE ARE

I AM... JOYFUL... because WE ARE
I AM... JAUNTY... because WE ARE
I AM... JOCUND... because WE ARE

I AM... KIND... because WE ARE
I AM... KEEN... because WE ARE

I AM... LOVING... because WE ARE
I AM... LOVABLE... because WE ARE
I AM... LOVED... because WE ARE

I AM... MANADAMENT... because WE ARE
I AM... MEDITABUND... because WE ARE

I AM... NOBLE... because WE ARE
I AM... NOTABLE... because WE ARE
I AM... NECTAREAL... because WE ARE

I AM... OBEDIENT... because WE ARE

I AM... PURE... because WE ARE
I AM... on POINT... because WE ARE
I AM... PATIENT... because WE ARE

I AM... QUIDDITY... because WE ARE
I AM... a QUERIST... because WE ARE
I AM... QUIET... because WE ARE

I AM... ROYAL... because WE ARE
I AM... RIGHTEOUS... because WE ARE
I AM... RISING... because WE ARE

I AM... SHINING ... because WE ARE
I AM... STRONG... because WE ARE
I AM... SUPERWOMAN... because WE ARE

I AM... TENACIOUS... because WE ARE
I AM... TACENT... because WE ARE
I AM... THOUGHTFUL... because WE ARE

I AM... UNDINE... because WE ARE
I AM... UNICITY... because WE ARE

I AM... VIRTOUS... because WE ARE
I AM... VAGILE... because WE ARE
I AM... VATIC... because WE ARE

I AM... WONDERFUL... because WE ARE
I AM... WYRD... because WE ARE
I AM... WORKSOME... because WE ARE

I AM... a XENAGOGUE... because WE ARE
I AM... a XENOLITH... because WE ARE

I AM... YLEM... because WE ARE
I AM... a YOGINI... because WE ARE
I AM... YIELDING... because WE ARE

I AM... ZEALOUS... because WE ARE
I AM... ZOETIC... because WE ARE
I AM... ZAPPY... because WE ARE

United SiStars...
I AM because WE (Women Especially) ARE!

March 13, 2018

Where HER strength lies...

Many women have endured a PLETHORA of trails, tribulations, and troubles BUT we ALWAYS find it in OURselves to SOJOURNER in TRUTH and Preach, Teach, and Meet FREEDOM face to face, woman to woman, and mother to child.

So many women find it hard to be themselves and fight for themselves WE must know and embrace OUR worth and value OURselves with the most HIGHEST of HONOR and Respect. IF we don't NO ONE will, IF we don't stand with each other WE all will fall, IF we don't gather with each other WE will be divided and conquered! 


Sometimes men say women are too emotional and seldom children agree but we are emotional 
E + motion =Energy in Motion. We as women must put our energy in a motion that reflects a HIGHER Y.O.U. (your own uniqueness) You have the ability to equally and totally energize your motions (movements) positively and negatively, up and down (low vibration or high vibration), etc.

Do not forsake your power to adjust your frequency. Whatever memory you have associated with ANY 
place, person, or thing you have the power to disassociate it from you and re-associate your energy in motion (emotions)with new memories... RENEW YOUR MIND... you owe it to yourself to free your mind and let the rest follow...

OUR emotions (energy in motion) is in order when you are a woman, a mother, a sister, an aunt, a teacher, a nurturer, a guardian... EMOTIONS come with these RESPONSIBILITIES (the territory)...

Re-channeling and Re-challenging our minds, bodies, and spirits (souls) takes time, energy and space. We must Re-member our womb is listening and learning how to be one with us. Our womb holds our energy in motion (emotion) and experiences with any person, place or thing. IF we know the energy in motion and the experience was not peaceful for US then we must Re-challenge ourselves to Re-channel our emotions to received a peaceful outcome, the best outcome for our womb's healing because when the womb feels overwhelmed we feel it in our stomach, head, and feet which are major energy 'fiel'ds which gives us the 'feel'ings we have in the capacity that we do. 

We WOMEN have been handed down/giving the proper rites of passage ceremonial activities (ACTIVE is key) to stay connected to our ancient/indigenous 


African Dance and Drumming

Belly Dance 

There's no need for a mirror when I have a sister ~African PROverb

Journaling is a great meditation activity

Journaling allows a woman to revisit a moment with a wider view and a deeper or peaceful perspective. This is a activity that many women do during a rites of passage. It gives/brings the experience back to HER (sankofa) at any moment and it also provides HER with a vivid account of her past time when she reaches back to gather HERself

Birthing is a rites of passage, it provides so much memory for the womb and this is a optimum time to journal and gather those moments in time and space to LIVE again...

The Bes Birthing position for women

Women were and are not meant to experience this rites of passage alone, although, women experience this spiritually on their own. WE are not meant to be alone during this rites of passage. This is a sacred and spiritual moment that our closest spiritual or biological family should gather with us.

As women of STRENGTH we have the ancestors and elder women on our shoulder looking down on us and guiding us to and through our MANY walks in life. We have our children beneath us for WE are their first teachers and we show them the first meaning of LOVE...

HER is where HER strength lies....

March 1, 2018


Yaa Asantewaa

Maya Angelou


Erykah Badu

Queen Afua

Sacred Wombman

Pearl Primus