March 13, 2019

Re-Member WE (Women Especially)

As stated previously, this month, as should all months, is acknowledging, celebrating and commemorating the WOMAN... 

We are overlooked, underlooked or not looked at at all or not viewed with the respect and love we are due sometimes.

It has been the mis-take in the past that women are to be behind the man and not by his side. This month we must RE-MEMBER THE WOMAN and put her back in her RIGHTful place RIGHT on the side of her man and (in front) leading tHEiR children to their MOST HIGHEST selves.

At this point in our womanship... Lest WE (Women Especially) how pertinent, persistent and powerful we truly are in all we do when we have or put our whole 'womb' selves to ANY thing.

This Pertinence, Persistence and Powerful innerG of God's Essence (Goddess) balances H.E.R. (Honorable Energetic Radiance) in us all for BETTER... through the bitter and the sweet.

It is yOUR PERTINENCE... your revelance and application of all matters (babies included) that brings balance for our betterment.

It is yOUR PERSISTENCE... your firm and obstinate continuance in a course of action in spite of difficulty or opposition is what balances us for betterment.

It is yOUR POWER... the ability to persuade, inspire, or motivate yourself or others to do something in a particular way with a direct purpose that balances us for betterment.

RE-MEMBER WE (Women Especially)... to BALANCE H.E.R. for BETTER through the 


Count on yOUR 3P's to UPlift and Gift you with your DIVINITY... Goddess... you are a natural in your state of being... BALANCE!


  1. Divine WombmanMarch 16, 2019

    Your pertinent, persist, and powerful energy is DIVINE, Oni Abeni, and I am honored to truly know you. I will remember my 3P's! Thank you, you always uplift and gift my life with your motivating words.

    1. No... MANY Thanks to you for your unconditional love and support with this B.L.O.G. journey... I am eternally grateful for you... Divine Wombman

  2. With this being shared, I am assuming men are welcomed... I think what you are doing and saying is profound and needed for every man, woman, and child. I have been following your B.L.O.G. since your blogtalk radio show on this series of publications pertaining to the WOMBman and I will continue to follow... my daughter and I. Thank you!

    1. Yes... men are always welcome... NaTuRe says so... :) It is only natural for men to accompany women on a wholistic journey as this... Men on a spiritual wholistic journey is the new sexy... :) I am eternally grateful for your love and support as well and my heart's desire is that your daughter knows her worth through your everlasting love and guidance. Thank you for tuning in to the show as well and that was the intent to shed light on the significance of this journey... the bitter and the sweet that made me a better whole wombman. King Brother, thank you for sharing your light and love... again, it is most appreciated... Abundant Peace, Love, Joy, and Wellness to you and your family
